Tuesday, January 31, 2006

State of the Union

I think we already know what the state of the Union is.
All I want to watch tonight is House, and instead American Idol is on.
Maybe I'll tune into NBC to see what tie Brian Williams is wearing.

Monday, January 30, 2006

This & That

I could have sworn I had two cookie sheets here in the RV. I could only find one this afternoon. Everyday is a bad hair day in FL. It looks ok for about ten minutes, and then it starts to go all weird on me. And, every morning at 10:00 am, I have a hot flash, and I have to stick my head in the freezer for a few minutes. That doesn't help the hair either. I suppose things could be worse. A lot worse.

Here's a photo of the backside of my favorite beach - Indian Rocks Beach. I think it's at 18th St.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

$$$ Procedure and Renters, cont'd.

Got another bill for the biopsy: $1000.00. Now, it's up to $5000.00. Still no bill from the radiologist.

My bathing suit is missing, along with my nail clippers, and I Love NY hat. The lasagna pan is chipped, and the chopping board was dirty. No more renting, tho maybe the money was worth the aggravation. Who would take someone else's bathing suit?

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

$$$ Procedure

I got the bill for the stereotactic breast biopsy: $4000.00. That doesn't include the radiologist's bill. Pretty expensive porcedure. One of the x-rays was $1780.

On another note, here we are in Florida. The last renters washed my pretty crocheted doily on the glass table, and it shrank. About two inches. It's disappointing because it was really big and pretty, covering almost the entire tabletop. The woman must have tossed it into the washer and dryer. I washed it last year, but by hand, and I dried it over the railing outside.
I guess that's what you have to expect from renters.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006


I don't know where the rest of 2005 went. That's not exactly true.
I had two suspicious mammograms which led to a stereotactic biopsy.
Not fun, but it wasn't THAT bad. It's just kind of bizarre.
The surgeon said my chances of the cluster of uneven microcalcifications being OK, were 30%.
I lucked out. They were ok. I was ready to do battle.
I have a little metal marker inside just in case they need to locate the area again.
The whole thing started when I thought I'd be clever and get the mammogram out of the way before the holidays. Not smart.

Bad things tend to happen on ordinary days. That's today's deep thought

I do hope it's a better year.