Monday, October 06, 2008

The Best Sleep Aid

White Flower Analgesic Balm
Can't get to sleep?
Maybe it's all in my head, but this stuff works. Right before I fall into bed, I put a few drops on my wrists, rub it all in, with a quick swipe at the base of my neck, and I sleep soooo good.
The ingredients are: wintergreen - 40%, menthol - 15%, camphor - 6%, mineral oil, eucalyptus, and lavender. Yum. It smells a tad like Vicks, but better.
I haven't seen it in any of the stores around here, but it's easy to buy online - even easier when you have someone who can send it to you. Forget the Tylenol PM, Ambien, and Lunesta.
Sweet dreams.

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